pos software

Face Inventory (Total Visibility and Control of Your inventory):

Manage Every Stage of the Inventory Lifecycle

Where to Use It
Stock and supply rooms
Distribution areas
Facilities management
Packaging plants
Work sites in progress
What You Can Do
Create purchase orders
LC Management
Receive, put away, adjust and pick inventory
Create sales orders
Make cycle counts more efficient
Create and share full reports
Print barcode labels
Integrate mobile system
 Use concurrently with employees
Face Inventory management software offers a complete set of inventory management, manufacturing and purchasing capabilities that improves supply chain management and delivers an end-to-end, procure-to-pay process.

Inventory with POS module
Inventory with POS software module:
POS solution for sales items
1. Sales refund & cash management.
2. Security Module
3. Employee
Inventory and Were house Management
1. Master data management
2. Sales refund & cash management.
Warehouse Management
Reports and charts
Security Module
Service Tracking system
Service Management Module
Report Module

Face of Art Technologies Ltd was established on Feb 15, 2011 & our Business Identification Number is 18151054783, Area Code 180305.It is owned and managed by a team of business professionals and technocrats, who have local and global experiences in business process analysis, automation and consultancy for ICT product parts serve in the present market demand. Our team has the unique skills that assure outstanding performance through consistency, accuracy, reliability, punctuality and honesty.

Sincerely yours,
For Face of Art Technologies Ltd
Contact us:
1. +88017-12-622-555
2. +88016-12-622-555
3. +88018-12-622-555
Our website:    www.fnabd.biz
Email us:    ceo@fnabd.biz ,    info@fnabd.biz,    add@fnabd.biz
Skype:   amcs.ashraf   or  shaoun_fnabd
Company Address:    Nikunja-2, Khilkhet, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


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