Website Design and development Solution

Website Design and develop:

Face of Art Technologies Ltd is an IT based company in bd. We are developing and providing different software according to customer demands.

Face of Art Technologies Ltd develops WEBSITE for your organization or company which will help you to create value as well as image about your organization all over the world.

Basic Contents of WEBSITES:

1.        Home,

2.        about company,

3.        mission and vision

4.        category of products or services

5.        products,

6.        gallery,

7.        Photos and demo

8.        categories,

9.        contact us:

10.     and so on……(according to your want and demand)

Face of Art Technologies Ltd
Committed to provide perfect business solution

Face of Art Technologies Ltd was established on Feb 15, 2011 & our Business Identification Number is 18151054783, Area Code 180305.It is owned and managed by a team of business professionals and technocrats, who have local and global experiences in business process analysis, automation and consultancy for ICT product parts serve in the present market demand. Our team has the unique skills that assure outstanding performance through consistency, accuracy, reliability, punctuality and honesty.

Sincerely yours,
For Face of Art Technologies Ltd
Contact us:
1.        +88017-12-622-555
2.        +88016-12-622-555
3.        +88018-12-622-555
Our website:
Email us: ,,
Skype:   amcs.ashraf  


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