ZKTECO Attendance Device Solution


Face of Art Technologies is one of the leading software & hardware Solution Company in Bangladesh. Its providing an outstanding Attendance device Installation with related software in the market with more competitive price.

Why will you work with us?? Because: ----

Ø We have skilled and expert technical professionals.

Ø We have working experience with Grameen Phone, Ministry of Industry, Petro-Bangla, Jamuna Gas, CNG Distribution Company Ltd, Rawan Fashion Ltd, Energy Pack, Proshika, Banks, Offices Others.

Ø We have more than 200+ existing clients.

Ø We are ready to serve you 24 Hours 7 Days with young, energetic service experts.

Ø We maintain our commitment and provide after sales services.

Ø We provide quality products as well as services.

Ø We are able to provide products or services in anywhere of Bangladesh.

Ø We are committed to provide you home/office delivery according to your demands.

Ø One year free service after installation.

Ø One year Guarantee for product.


Our team has the unique skills that assure outstanding performance through consistency, accuracy, reliability, punctuality and honesty.

Face of Art Technologies is providing different types of SOFTWARE, CCTV, DVR, ATTENDANCE DEVICE,   SERVER, CABINET, TONER & SCANNER in the market. We provide the best quality products with more competitive prices.


Sincerely yours,

Face of Art Technologies

Contact us:

1.       +88017-12-622-555

2.       +88018-12-622-555

Our website:   www.fnabd.biz

#zkteco #attendance #device #attendancemanagement




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